Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Day 1 of My 365 Day Transformation

So, today is day one of my 365 day transformation. I turned 44 years-old yesterday and for a while, I have been planning this transformation. I realize it is going to be hard, but I promised that if God allowed me to live that long, age 45 would be my healthiest and best year ever.

How am I going to do this? Will trial and error of course. What’s going to be different? Well, my determination and more lifestyle change than diet. In the last few months, I’ve tried diets like the 900-calorie diet, the Shred diet and the 3-Day Military diets. Of course, they have their place, but not for life-style change, at least not for me.

Another thing I will be doing different is I’m going to try the Vegan lifestyle.  After watching animal show, after animal show with my dear husband, I just felt that I did not want that inside of me—for personal and spiritual reasons. When I saw how animals lived, what they ate, and how they were killed—or the fact that they were even killed for human nourishment and pleasure—made me a bit nauseous.

In addition to what I named above, many are aware of the heart disease,
high cholesterol and diabetes I have been diagnosed with and have been live with for years now. Now, I would never suggest this to anyone else, but after repeated trips to the doctor and having her constantly put me on this medication and that medication, and having those meds take a little out of me each time I took them, I stopped taking them flat out. I do have insulin on standby, just in case I need it, but I was sick of making the hospitals, doctors, medical insurance companies and pharmaceutical companies rich, and I was of allowing them to make me sick. Taking one med to stop something when it caused another ailment, only to have to get a prescription to help with that ailment, when most of the time, the side effects of those medications were the reason I was taking the medications in the first place.  I’m going to have to take my God with me all the way on this way.

Since I’ve purged myself of the meds, I feel much better. I spend less days in the bed feeling sick, nauseous, puking my brains out and just plain old feeling like I was going to die.

Enough of the small talk, here I go. Today I weighed in at 187.6, which surprises me as I thought I’d weigh about 200+ pounds. A while back I lost 20 pounds doing that 900-calorie a day diet using MyFitnessPal, and although my weight has yo-yod, it seems as if I been able to keep most of that weight off. Yay me.

My goal is to lose 60-pounds and drop a whole lot of inches. I will post my measurements as soon as I can figure out what I did with my tape measure.

Do you think I can lose 60 pounds in a year? I think I can. And again, it’s going to be hard, not for just the obvious reasons, but because I have a husband and a family who likes to eat—things like meat, sweets, etc., and drink beer and soft drinks and juice and all that other stuff that has made me fat over the years.

Oh my word, please pray for my willpower. I’m trying out tofu, so if anyone
knows of any good tofu and vegetarian recipes, please let me know. Starting out with the vegetarian diet, I will be using eggs, until I can guage other permanent ways to get protein without having to down awful protein powder several times a day. But, there will be no meat and no dairy. I’ll tell you though, If my skin starts to break out and I start to get blotches and discoloration on my face and body, I will be re-introducing dairy products back into my diet . . . I mean my new lifestyle.

So here goes . . . did I ask you to please pray for me? J Let the transformation begin!

PS: I’ll only be here on Blogger until I get my new site up and running. I own the domain, I just have to find time to create the website. Hopefully I can help you, while I help myself in this journey. Thanks for following me. I've also posted a few photos that I took yesterday. 

1 comment:

Emerald Obsessive said...

I'm with you on this Diva! You know my goal was to be Sexy by Sixty (May 21) but life got in the way! But I won't let 61 catch me the way 60 did!