Monday, August 13, 2012

Trying to Get Back on Track is Hard Work!

It has been a while since I’ve posted. And, in my absence, I’ve noticed that when I’m off track, I also am working nearly 20 hours per day, stressed out and getting no rest.
I went on vacation back on July 25th—to Atlantic City, New Jersey, and every since I’ve found it hard to get back on track. I’ve tried and was successful, for maybe ½ a day, and once even an entire day.

But that is all in the past. Today is a new day and I declare today “Back on Track Day.” Before I went on vacation, I was down to 177, that is a 24-pound weight loss, but this morning, I weighed in at 184. I think that’s good, considering I’ve eaten fried chicken, pizza, Taco Bell (my favorite), Bing cherries, butternut squash, Doritos, bean dip—okay let me stop right there. You get the picture.

I was shocked to find out yesterday, after nearly devouring an entire butternut squash, that those things have 16 grams of carbs for ½ cup. I was flabbergasted. So I guess the next time I have butternut squash, it will be on Thanksgiving, when I make my famous Butternut Squash Soup.

I’m not looking for a great amount of weight loss this week, but more of a cleansing. But, after that, I plan on dropping the weight like flies. My overall goal is to lose a total of 60 pounds and that will put me around 120 pounds—by my 45th birthday. I’d like to think I’m still on track. I have to admit that I haven’t done much exercise. By the time I close the door in my office, it’s between 4am and 8am. I take little power naps during the day, but I know I need a full 8 hours sleep at night.

One positive thing I can report is that my sugar count has been under 125, usually ranging from 95 – 118. This is awesome, considering what my sugar numbers were, (400-650). As I’ve reported in posts past, I refused to take any more insulin. It was messing up my system and furthering my fatigue and sickness. There were days I couldn’t, our shouldn’t have gotten out of the bed, because I was so sick from that insulin. And I was on two types. All I have been taking is Janumet—one before bed, and watching my carbs. So, I am very excited about that.

I’m currently looking for forms of motivation to get these pounds off and get completely off meds, while implementing exercise as my regular daily routine.
Until next time, make it happen!